Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries around the world

Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries around the world

I know it’s a very different topic from the one’s I usually write but, it’s interesting so who cares. I wanted to break from the monotone and write something different. These mysteries are to date unsolved, some are very old and some are fairly modern. And most of these mysteries can’t even be solved because of the loss of evidence. I mean if they were solved they wouldn’t be mysteries in the first place. So let’s get on with the interesting part ( I Know you peeps just wanted me to stop talking ).

1. Jack the Ripper

Know this guy? I am not even sure if he is even a guy, because he was never caught. Jack the ripper is fairly famous in pop culture. He has made an appearance in novels, movies and even in animes. Jack the Ripper was a serial killer who was at large in 1888 London. His targets were usually women, it’s hard to say as to how many people The Ripper killed; because there were several names given to The Ripper. The Ripper sent several letters mocking the police officers at Scotland Yard. The name Jack The Ripper was interpreted from those letters themselves. Usually, if you understand the motive of the crime then it’s easy to find the killer. But with The Ripper, it wasn’t so easy given his erratic choosing of victims. And if you ask me how The Ripped killed the victims, well think of the gruesome way possible. Luring the women in first, then slicing the neck slowly and then disembowelling them. That’s all I’m gonna say!! 

2. Dark Matter 

Now, what is this? Before researching it, this term was alien to me. It is one of the biggest mysteries of Cosmology (Study of origin universe). Strictly speaking, no one knows what Dark matter is because it can’t be seen, it neither absorbs nor reflects or emits light. We know it exists because of the effect has on other visible objects. There are many theories as to what Dark matter can be; Some Scientists believe that it is some big Object similar to that of the Black Hole, whereas some scientists believe that it may be some different matter entirely (let’s not get too scientific and spoil the fun okay). It’s estimated that 99% of all the space and matter in the universe is made up of Dark matter. But what Dark Matter is the actual mystery.

3. The Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript is a detailed book with over 240 pages, written in an unknown writing system. The script is full of illustrations consisting of strange yet colourful drawings, odd objects, and unidentified symbols. Although the book was named after the Polish-American bookseller who acquired it in 1912, carbon-dating suggests that it is over 600 years old. 

 The Voynich Manuscript was probably compiled in the early 15th century during the Italian Renaissance. Many people have tried to decipher it and have failed to do so in that pursuit. It not only have some bizarre text but some even more bizarre drawings and diagrams on it. If you ask me it looks like a high school girl’s diary who has a very vivid imagination. Imagine one day someone deciphers it and it turns out to be some diary of a teenager 600 hundred years ago, it would be so fun.  

4. Lost City of Atlantis

You people thought I wouldn’t include Atlantis. Technically it’s more of a myth than a mystery but it’s mysterious enough for us so who cares. The Lost City of Atlantis, first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato more than 2,300 years ago, According to Plato, the utopian island kingdom existed some 9,000 years before his time and mysteriously disappeared one day. Famed for having been the exhibit of all worldly pleasures in the world, this city is as enigmatic as it is inviting. Plato described Atlantis as a city of demigods meaning the inhabitants of this city were half human and half god. It’s also said that Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea gifted this land to his lover Cleito.

Its disappearance is what’s more intriguing. Plato believed that Atlantis was a city loved by God but when God saw that his favourite people are corrupted by greed, lust and corruption he punished the city and it went under the sea. Some people believe that in a few thousand years the city resurfaces for a while in an unknown location. Who knows where it is but reading about it sure is far from anything less interesting. 

5. What is Area 51? 

Yeah, the infamous Area 51! No one knows what is it, does it even exist or if it exists what happens there. I think It’s some kind of Men in Black kind of stuff that’s happening there. When you ask authorities they deny it being just some conspiracy theory. Some people dismiss this theory saying that Area 51 is where broken aircraft are restored and repaired, well if that’s the case show me where area 51 is. No one knows where it is or does it even exists. But we all love a good conspiracy theory, don’t we!?

6. Kryptos

Yes, it’s another cryptic mystery, though it’s fairly modern so who knows you’ll be able to solve it. Kryptos is a sculpture by the American artist Jim Sanborn located on the grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia. Since its dedication on November 3, 1990, there has been much speculation about the meaning of the four encrypted messages it bears. Of these four messages, the first three have been solved, while the fourth message remains one of the most famous unsolved codes in the world. The sculpture continues to be of interest to cryptanalysts, both amateur and professional, who are attempting to decipher the fourth passage. The artist has so far given four clues to this passage. Do you think you can solve the 4th passage? 

7. The Wow! Signal

One summer night in 1977, Jerry Ehman, a volunteer for SETI, or the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, may have become the first man ever to receive an intentional message from an alien world. Ehman was scanning radio waves from deep space, hoping to randomly come across a signal that bore the hallmarks of one that might be sent by intelligent aliens, when he saw his measurements spike. The signal lasted for 72 seconds, the longest time it could be measured by the array that Ehman was using. It was loud and appeared to have been transmitted from a place no human has gone before: in the constellation Sagittarius near a star called Tau Sagittarii, 120 light-years away. 

Ehman wrote the words “Wow!” on the original printout of the signal, thus its title as the “Wow! Signal.” All attempts to locate the signal again have failed, leading to much controversy and mystery about its origins and its meaning. In 2017, a team of researchers suggested the signal was a then-unidentified comet. Later when Ehman and his team researched nothing was found as to who send that signal. Maybe it was an alien or maybe not?

8. Ark of the covenant

It is the most important historical artefact to have ever existed, so what’s the issue it’s been missing for 3000 years. It is a gold-covered wooden chest with a lid cover described in the Book of Exodus as containing the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. In an easy sense when Israielities escaped Egypt under the leadership of Moses. Moses received 10 commandments from god which he wrote on stone tablets. Those stone tablets were stored in the golden chest that is referred to as the Ark of Covenant. The last location of the covenant is recorded was in Solomon’s temple Jerusalem and that it disappeared after Babylonians attacked Jerusalem. 

9. The Malaysian Airlines Flight

Many people travelling by plane still get chills when they hear about MH370. After all, it is amongst the biggest mysteries of the modern world.

 MH370 was the flight number for a Malaysian Airlines plane that went missing while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on 8 of March 2014. The aircraft was crossing the Indian Ocean when it vanished from the radar without any possible explanation (i.e., no turbulence, engine malfunction, etc.). Neither the passengers nor any remnants of the Boeing 777 have been found to date. 

10. What happened to Amelia Earhart?

In 1937, Amelia Earhart, one of the world’s most famous aviators, apparently disappeared without a trace during an attempt to circumnavigate the globe. Though searches began only an hour after Earhart’s last recorded message, nothing was ever found, and her fate remains one of the greatest historical mysteries of all time.

Or does it? A woman’s body was located on Gardner Island, part of the Phoenix Islands, Kiribati, in the western Pacific Ocean, in 1940. With it were a campfire, a navigational sextant, and the remains of shoes. The body was later judged to be that of a white female of northern European descent, around Earhart’s height. Expeditions carried out since 2001 have found other evidence suggesting the presence of an American woman alive in the 1930s. It’s possible that Earhart lived as a castaway after an emergency landing. But what happened is still unknown.

So who wants to go on a Mystery hunt? 

Thanks for reading! 

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